▶ Designed by Barbara Bigosińska, 2024 ◀
2 sub-families • 6 weights • 24 styles
Sharf VF Text • opsz: [8] • wght: [200–900]
ExtraLight Italic200
Light Italic300
Medium Italic500
SemiBold Italic600
Bold Italic700
ExtraBold Italic800
Black Italic900
Sharf VF Headline • opsz: [48] • wght: [200–900]
ExtraLight Italic200
Light Italic300
Medium Italic500
SemiBold Italic600
Bold Italic700
ExtraBold Italic800
Black Italic900
Sharf is an editorial type family with an experimental touch and unpredictable contrast changes between text and headline styles. Text styles are rather calm and conventional with elegant character, whereas the headline styles surprise with their eccentricity.
Sharf marries many ideas that perhaps should not exist next to each other in any kind of harmony, but we believe that many different narrations, shapes, beings can co-exist at different extremes of the design spectrum; and what is in-between might be an interesting surprise.
Sharf VF:i2Sharf VF:n2
Sharf VF Roman
300 Px
The Butterfly Effect
Sharf VF Roman
300 Px
Systema Naturae (originally in Latin written Systema Naturæ with the ligature æ) is one of the major works of the Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) and introduced the Linnaean taxonomy. Although the system, now known as binomial nomenclature, was partially developed by the Bauhin brothers, Gaspard and Johann, Linnaeus was first to use it consistently throughout his book. The first edition was published in 1735. The full title of the 10th edition (1758), which was the most important one, was Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, differentiis, synonymis, locis or translated: "System of nature through the three kingdoms of nature, according to classes, orders, genera and species, with characters, differences, synonyms, places". The tenth edition of this book (1758) is considered the starting point of zoological nomenclature. In 1766–1768 Linnaeus published the much enhanced 12th edition, the last under his authorship. Another again enhanced work in the same style and titled "Systema Naturae" was published by Johann Friedrich Gmelin between 1788 and 1793.* Se pueden encontrar diferentes grupos de plantas: unas totalmente sumergidas, otras, las más numerosas, parcialmente sumergidas o con hojas flotantes.
Sharf VF Roman
300 Px
Las plantas acuáticas*
Sharf VF Italic
300 Px
Mineral sequestration aims to trap carbon in the form of solid carbonate salts. This process occurs slowly in nature and is responsible for the deposition and accumulation of limestone over geologic time. Carbonic acid in groundwater slowly reacts with complex silicates to dissolve calcium, magnesium, alkalis and silica and leave a residue of clay minerals.
Sharf VF Roman
300 Px
Nel massacro, Zhu Wen eliminò i nobili ereditari che erano un potenziale rischio per il suo potere. Poiché solo alcuni potevano diventare funzionari di corte o locali, la maggioranza dei nobili letterati rimanevano nei villaggi o nelle città come capi sociali. I nobili letterati attuavano misure di assistenza sociale, insegnavano nelle scuole private, aiutavano a risolvere dispute legali di minore entità, sorvegliavano i progetti della comunità, mantenevano la legge e l'ordine locale, celebravano le cerimonie confuciane, assistevano la raccolta delle tasse del governo e predicavano gli insegnamenti morali confuciani.
Sharf VF Italic
300 Px
(Made in 1976*)
Sharf VF Italic
300 Px
Nach Willi Hennig werden die Taxa nur von Arten gebildet, die eine geschlossene Abstammungsgemeinschaft, ein Monophylum, bilden. Die kleinste Einheit der phylogenetischen Systematik ist das Taxon Art. Als Monophylum wird die oberhalb der Artenebene gelegene Einheit der organismischen Natur bezeichnet, die aus allen Nachkommen einer (Stamm-)Art und der Stammart selbst besteht. Der typologische Artbegriff, in der Regel anhand morphologischer Merkmale, wird als unzureichend abgelehnt. An die Stelle des typologischen Artkonzeptes tritt das phylogenetische Artkonzept. In diesem Konzept werden Arten zusammengefasst, die durch Synapomorphien charakterisiert sind und von Arten mit Autapomorphien unterschieden werden. Eine Autapomorphie ist eine evolutionäre Neuheit eines Taxons, das dieses anderen Taxa gegenüber abgrenzt und somit dessen evolutionäre Einmaligkeit begründet. Eine Synapomorphie stellt ein Merkmal dar, welches nur den direkt aus der Stammart entstandenen Arten gemein ist. Ein bei zwei Taxa auftretendes Merkmal, das in einer früheren Stammart der gemeinsamen Stammlinie evolviert wurde und im Außengruppenvergleich auch bei anderen Taxa zu finden ist, wird Plesiomorphie genannt.
Sharf VF Roman
300 Px
Mary & Charles
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You’ll need to sign in or make an account in order to download trial fonts. Trial fonts are supplied in all weights, but contain a limited character set. If you need any custom weights, or different type of trial fonts, don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Sharf Text Collection
50% OFF
€ 624.00
€ 312.00
Sharf Headline Collection
50% OFF
€ 624.00
€ 312.00
Sharf Text – Editorial Collection
35% OFF
€ 234.00
€ 152.10
Single fonts
Sharf Headline ExtraLight
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline ExtraLight Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Light
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Light Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Regular
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Medium
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Medium Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline SemiBold
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline SemiBold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Bold
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Bold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline ExtraBold
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline ExtraBold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Black
€ 39.00
Sharf Headline Black Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text ExtraLight
€ 39.00
Sharf Text ExtraLight Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Light
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Light Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Regular
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Medium
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Medium Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text SemiBold
€ 39.00
Sharf Text SemiBold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Bold
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Bold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text ExtraBold
€ 39.00
Sharf Text ExtraBold Italic
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Black
€ 39.00
Sharf Text Black Italic
€ 39.00
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